perhh..aku da wat kesalahan besoo smlm..sdeyh seyh kalo pk blk..aku ingat die xingat aku nyer tarikh keramat..rpe2 nyer,sengal..die share ngn dak2 ni..mati2 aku sdeyh..huhu..sdeyh bgt..aku ditipoo sedemikian rpe..walopepun..thnx awk coz remember my bday..(happy)..sori for d words that i have said to u on that day..u don't know how much it means to me..i really love it and i do..thnx for prank me with the 'surprise'..huh..really hate this..to arep,wah2 ko da mndikn aku ngn ayaq f&n..pastu ko tonyoh mke aku ngn kek kan??ko siap ar t..to nana,leen,zai,pares,pisak,abg tang,wan,siao shan..or spe2 yg ade kt ctu maceh sgt..tuk rumate2 aku:thnx for d wishes..my frens..i really love u guys..awk,maceh sgt..for dat cake and for dat party..u know wat..it is d best bday in my life..with the delicious cake..;-p