haha..last nite already make faster plan..go ktn..woooo..why??becoz of dull life in here..ooh..somebody plz get me out of here..huhu..neway..i felt more hepy wit my frens rite noe...about him??huh..i paused it a little..huhuhu..ok2..d are some pictures about wat happening last nite..duhh!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
MaMmA mIa
really addicted wit dis song since the karok tyme...hohoa..so hope all u will enjoy it..walopun lgu ni da lame tp aku ske sgt..br akhir2 ni layan lagu2 cmni..hha..nana,next tyme kite karok sme2..;-p
since I don't know when
so I made up my mind
it must come to an end
look at me now
will I ever learn
I don't know how
but I suddenly lose control
there's a fire within my soul
just one look and I can hear a bell ring
one more look
and I forget everything
Mamma mia, here I go again
my, my, how can I resist you
mamma mia, does it show again
my, my, just how much I've missed you
yes, I've been broken-hearted
blue since the day we parted
why, why did I ever let you go
mamma mia, now I really know
my, my, I could never let you go
I've been angry and sad
about things that you do
I can't count all the times
that I've told you we're through
and when you go
when you slam the door
I think you know
that you won't be away too long
you know that I'm not that strong
just one look and I can hear a bell ring
one more look
and I forget everything
Mamma mia, here I go again
my, my, how can I resist you
mamma mia, does it show again
my, my, just how much I've missed you
yes, I've been broken-hearted
blue since the day we parted
why, why did I ever let you go
mamma mia, even if I say
bye, bye, leave me now or never
mamma mia, it's a game we play
bye, bye doesn't mean forever
Mamma mia, here I go again
my, my, how can I resist you
mamma mia, does it show again
my, my, just how much I've missed you
yes, I've been broken-hearted
blue since the day we parted
why, why did I ever let you go
mamma mia, now I really know
my, my, I could never let you go
Monday, May 18, 2009
bEsT i EvEr HaD
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now i'm here to stay
Love can be so boring
Nothing's quite the same now
I just say your name now
But it's not so bad
You're only the best i ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best i ever had
So you stole my world
Now i'm just a phony
Remembering the girl
Leaves me down and lonely
Send it in a letter
Make yourself feel better
But it's not so bad
You're only the best i ever had
You don't need me back
You're just the best i ever had
And it may take some time to
Patch me up inside
But i can't take it so i
Run away and hide
And i may find in time that
You were always right
You're always right
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now i'm here to stay
Love can be so boring
What was it you wanted
Could it be i'm haunted
But it's not so bad
You're only the best i ever had
I don't want you back
You're just the best i ever had
The best i ever had
The best i ever
Into a grey sky morning
Now i'm here to stay
Love can be so boring
Nothing's quite the same now
I just say your name now
But it's not so bad
You're only the best i ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best i ever had
So you stole my world
Now i'm just a phony
Remembering the girl
Leaves me down and lonely
Send it in a letter
Make yourself feel better
But it's not so bad
You're only the best i ever had
You don't need me back
You're just the best i ever had
And it may take some time to
Patch me up inside
But i can't take it so i
Run away and hide
And i may find in time that
You were always right
You're always right
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now i'm here to stay
Love can be so boring
Could it be i'm haunted
But it's not so bad
You're only the best i ever had
I don't want you back
You're just the best i ever had
The best i ever had
The best i ever
Sunday, May 17, 2009
keseRONOkn MeLaNdA tTkAlA nAnA taKde..hAHa
haha..di hening hari jumaat..jeng 3x, nana hajak aku tman ie g terminal sbb nk blk sgt ke bp yg tanah lembut tuh..isykk..soo,utk xhampakn nana, aku pun memenuhi impian beliau..aku dijoin dgn daya n leen diketuai amir sbg drebar nyer..hehe..afta anto nana,kitaorg belegar2 kt megamall..last2 dgn kemunculan pisak, agok,fizul dan juga abg tang menambahkn kehavocan lg..lalala..bowling menjd sasaran utama slps shopping ngn karok..walopun aku ngn daya join afta 2nd game,keadaan tetap huru-hara..ehh..pastu kitaorg jln2 dr teruntum smpai le ke tc..dgn perutku yg buat hal (tp smpat gak blasah char koey teow ngn sirap limau)..huhu..smpai ump pun da dkt kol 2..;-p tetibe je amir kasi berita yg meng excitedkn dimana hajak plak ke cherating..kol 4.30 pg da gerak pong g sne..tp smpat berenti mamam dlu..mee goreng sdap bgt..lalala..pastu da smpai cerating leh plak lelap sbentar smbil layan dak2 tuh nyanyi..da dkat kol 8 stat la activiti menghitamkan diri..smpai kol 10 berendam tuh..mmg layan + masyuk ar..sbbkn keseronokan yg melanda, aku telah tdo dr kol 2 ptg smpai keesokkan pgnye.. (18 jam tuh,da kalah baby tdo pong)..hehe..kalo xcaye tgk ar bukti2 di bwh ni..post kali ni mmg ditujukn khas utk nana yg berada di joho pd ketika ini..hahaha
Thursday, May 14, 2009

tatkala aku ngh bengang dsebabkn kesakitan belakang aku + tekak yg mkin menjd2 sakitnye..tetibe je pnjht2 di bilik leen aka nana and daya telah buat penyeksaan yg teruk dan ganas terhdp "anak" aku..aku dr jauh hnya mampu memandang sayu trhdp ape yg mereka lakukan...maafkn "mak" sbb xdpt membantu kamu..~ disebabkn kesakitan itu, aku xmmpu nk melakukan ape2..(semuanye gara2 angkat beg beso tyme blk aritu)... selepas ape yg aku lakukan kt diaorg, begini yg diaorg bls kt aku..aku sgt sedeyh smlm smpai ke skang..(mkn pun xlalu)..utk AREP KACAK..hepi bday..;-)
Monday, May 4, 2009
gOnNa FiNd My WaY tO bAcK hOmE..
gambo2 kt atas ni selingan je..ni tyme 1st year,1 sem..suci je kn sme mke2 ni trutama aku ar..abg tang da nmpak kejahatan die walopun ngh bako ayam..hehehe..ni la dak2 asal section A12..huhu..skang da byk prubahan..da btukar org pong..pepun ni je la memory yg ade utk 1st year..xsgka aku sungguh baek pd waktu ini..lalala..
today wit officially, i already completed my psm report..wahaha..afta being through in week like suckers in here..i totally crazy to going back home and neva come back!!but when my home 100% finish doing the renovation??uhh..miss my homeland so damn much..huhuh..too ARELEX aka ALEP, thanx for d nice song that u have sent to me(walopun sore anda tuh xsdap sgt..hehehe)..u r jz nice fren dat i have and totally rock..i love that song soo much..do not regret wat happen in ur life..u should stand up and fight again..u know wat, our future is waiting for us..jz grab any opportunity that has come to u..u now, as a man u should'nt have to give..haha..u frustrated bcoz u can't continue study here wit me rite?ok2..i will suggest u a couples of private university for u ok..xyah nk gedik2 sdeyh2..aku pun lg serabut dgn ketidakstabilan idoop aku..~sumtimes i think i fool enough..i can motivate other people but me??already failed it..huhuhu..i guess i hate this place like a shit..can wait to finish my study here..afta tat, i will become "merdeka gurl"..lalalala~to PISAK and TEHAH..hepi bday..daa masuk 22 taon..u should become more macho and gurlie..haha..my life getting more worse than ever..is it the challenge that i need to face??hoho..pepun, can't wait to see YANA today..nk sgt dtg kuantan kn??pdn mke ko aku kejekn nnti...lalala
Saturday, May 2, 2009
peRkara Yg PenTinG~
9 lasts:
> Last dollar spent: Makanan...emm
> Last cigarette: I'm not smoker!!
> Last juice: Orange..
> Last movie: Couldn't remember one..
> Last phone call: Emm..my big apple..
> Last song played: My heart - Paramore..
> Last bubble bath: If only i can make it here..hoho
> Last time you cried: Nite at tg lumpur i guess..
> Last thing you ate: Nasi goreng daging merah lorr...
8 have you evers:
> Have you ever dated a best friend: Yup..but then i learn friens should stay as frens. Not frens wit my ex (it is not quarell but to make me through the difficult time)..
> Have you ever skinny dipped: Oh...lalala~
> Have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: Emm..gonna think about it!!!
> Have you ever lost someone you loved: Lost? yep...my beloved tcher...
> Have you ever been dumped: Yep..wit my first love without any reason..;-(
> Have you ever been drunk and threw up: Berdosa ooo...
> Have you ever ran away: Runaway from dis place??i guess i could try but i can't...
> Have you ever wanted someone you thought you couldn't have then found out they liked you: Nope.
7 states you've been to:
> Kedah
> Johor
> Kelantan
> Perak
> Selangor
> Negeri Sembilan
> Perlis
6 things you've done today:
> Marathon muvi..
> Masak bubur..
> Makan..
> Sleeping..
> Doin psm..
> Call and sms..
5 of your favorite things :
> My mp3..
> My favourite tshirt..
> My hp..
> My laptop..
> Money..hahahaa
4 people you can tell [ALMOST] anything to in no order.
> My big apple..
> My fren..trpksa rahsiakn name beliau..
> My sis..
> My trusty mum..
3 things that make you smile rite now?
> Eating..already starving..
> Done my psm..
> going back home..huhuhu
2 things you want to do before you die.
> Make my family hepi..
> marry wit sumone i love..(da cukup amal ke nk mati cpt??huhu)
oH...mY aNsWer!!!
1.If you married the person you last texted, what would your last name be?
>>hello..who needs last name after married..(dull)
2.What did you do today?
>>doin psm,muvi's marathon and sleep d whole day...
3.Do you know a secret about your last ex that would embarrass them?
>>emm..no comment!!!
4.What is one fact about the last person who called you?
>>he is d greatest person i ever know...
5.Last time you were on the phone?
>>last nite..when someone calling to ask what kind u want 2 eat for dinner..
6.What's for dinner?
>>he brought me nasi goreng daging merah wit orange juice..
7.Ever dated someone older or younger?
>>i could say nope..
8.How many e-mail addresses do you have?
>>emm..whoever to have my ym,i already have their e-mail..lalalala~
9.Last time you washed your hair?
>>Last nite...hehe
10.Do you like Oreos?
>>Of course..luv it like hell...
11.Can you ice skate?
>>Haha..i'm so penakut to try it..only watch it at sunway..heee~
12.Do you have a brother?
>>Yup..the only bro...
13.Do you know how to change a diaper?
14.Do you keep a planner?
>>emm..guess not..
15.What kind of mood are you in?
>>Dunno..jz a little bit confused.
16.Do you take out the trash?
17.What's the best part about being single?
>>dunno to describe it..it is important to answer???
18.Do you watch "The Hills"?
>>No..hate it..
19.Who are you thinking of right now?
>>emm..some1 that i always think about..my little beby,family and my big apple..;-p
20.Wearing any bracelets?
21.What are you doing now?
>>Psm i guess + a little bit starving...huhu
22.Who was the last person that helped you stop crying?
>>emm..of course him..but dun want to cry anymore..afraid he will become monster and bite me..hoho
23.Who do you trust with your life?
>>My family,frens and my big apple...
24.If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
>>Nah..i like my name...no need to change it..uhhh
25.Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
>>always think about it..my answer totally yes!!!!!
26.Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?
>>Nope..takut nk mati awl..hehehe
29.Righty or Lefty?
30.Favorite juice?
31.Have you had the chicken pox?
32.Have you had a sore throat?
33.Who knows you the best?
>>My mother i guess...i love u..
34.Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
>>Not wearing that kind of stuff lorr..
35.Last person to see you cry?
>>should i mention about his name???totally my big apple...
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