1.Spell your name without an A?
- frh ndih
2. Are you single?
- nope..already inlove..
3. Whats your favorite number/s?
- 15
4. What is/are your favorite color[s]?
- blue,white,pink
5. Least favorite color/s?
- really hate red..huh
6. What are you listening to?
- Situasi by Bunkface..
7. Are you happy with your life right
- i think so..hmm
8. What was/is your favorite subject in school?
- xde pong..tp agak ske history sbb ske usik cikgu azie..;-p
9. Do you shop at malls?
- sometimes..
10. Where do you wish you were right
- at home..miz it soo much
11. What should you be doing right now?
- sleeping beauty..zzzz
Can you blow a bubble?
- nope..xpndai lorr
Can you wiggle your ears?
- bergaya plak aku..huh..x laa
Can you roll your tongue?
- xbleyh gak..
Did you ever want to be a doctor?
- tyme kecik2 ade r..
Did you like roller coasters?
- xmoo..gayat seyh!!!
Did you want to be a firefighter?
- isyykk..xmo..
When was the last time you bought a
clothing item?
- bfore dating wit my yunk..after rye kot..
What was the last thing you drank?
- cold water..bestt
- jeans
- inai ade la;-p
- tgk mood gk la..
1. What plans do you have for tonight?
- baca is ar..sok kn paper is..isyykk
2. Do you hate liars?
- musti r
3. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or
"tough guys"?
- sy ske my yunk xkire die sensetip or tough;-)
4. Do you prefer blonde or dark haired
- pepong ok..
5. What have you done in your past that you regret?
- became so nice but lastly..;-(
6. Do you have a guy best friend?
- ade..alep ngn kay e..dr mrsm lg;-p
7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
- berjaya ngn hepi..
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