wat happened 2day??it's really make me upset and i do..emm..starting from morning until now..duno wat happen actualy..why??is it i'm d one should be blame??yeah..you're right..ur words does'nt seem have a mistake..sori for d harsh words that i used 2 u 2day..guess wat??i think i need to think about the conclusion of our relationship..i juz thought about it..d best way is make u hate wit me..i guess i already done..sory for everything because i really don't meant it..yes, u are perfect..nothing's wrong wit u but the problem is me..rite now i realize, u should get someone better than me..i try to act perfect wit u..but it still can't solve the probs between us..i already asked u to extent for this sem but u said i can faced it..now..u c it!! i even not ready yet to face it..i also think to drop the short sem..i can't handle this anymore..i need to gateaway from this place..what should i do??i know,for u it is so simple but for me i dun think so..wit the experiencing so many new things, u think i can forget it?? u are totally wrong..i cried for the whole day but u never noticed it..how much ur meant to me..guess what, i don't want to hurt u anymore..i let u took ur path from rite now..i really dun wat to hurt u with the stupid words today..and i really sory about that..it's really hurt for hurting u..if u know how i feel rite now.....
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
pArAmOrE?? LuV iT..lalala~

hoh..nothings great happen today..after taking my breakfast, i started listening to my luvly mp3..guess wat??i suddenly want 2 share about the greatest band i've admired most..lalala..PARAMORE..haven't u heard about this band..i listening so many times and i think their stuff really interesting and "macho"..haha..i even changes my name to FARAMORE..is it to0 close..??hoho..1st tyme i listen their song from mtv..hoh..TRL program..then, i started collected the info about them..(wah..cm nk wat PSM je kn) hehe..but dun mind lorr..i think this band is cool enough because used woman as their lead vocalis..soo amazing..then.,i also used their pic to be my desktop (crazy rite??)..duno why i luv this band soo much..i guess like i luv my STITCH..(hoho..jz kidding) ..juz check about this band..once u listen, then u will fall in love with them..hahaha~
to nana: da jwb da tagged ko..hehehe..
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
kepulangan STITCH..lalala~
today d happiest day in my life..u know why??haha because i got stitch back..after a couples month i guess..lalala..when i saw him hold a blue bag, i started smile and want to jump at that tyme but kne cover2 ckit sbb de org len gak citu..hehe..so i try to act cool and took it from him..but after i turned, haha..i started smile alot without ignore the people at kafe..i guess they think i'm crazy..haha..but dun mind lor..sbb skype yg giler so can't la call nana dis nite..u now what..everyday i study with nana's web cam..then, i put the stitch at leen's room and went to kafe again to buy jajan..hooh..so lapar tonite..after i came back..wah2..daya and leen have started 1st move..diaorg sorokkn stitch kite..cdeyh!!! da merayu pun kt diorg pun wat bodo je kn..cm nk gigit2 je..hrmm..dkat kol 2 pg br diaorg pulangkn..how cruel u are..!! ok2...next tyme u turn ok..patrick's tyme..lalalala~ opss..last nite kuar mkn ngn kutang,pares,pisak and dak tuh (amir).. mmg melantak xhengat dunia..tyme mkn tuh kn aku xsentuh sgt sotong ngn lala..sbnarnye diaorg xtau aku da mkn daa mee goreng ngn leen ptg tuh..haha..at least da tunaikn jnji kt abg tang..cian die xdpt mkn sotong..soo..smlm mmg mkn puas2 laaa..pastu pares bnje ice cream lak kt tc..mmg sdap seyh (sbb org yg bnje) hehe..maceh pares..mmg poye2 ar..tp kite ske..thank god he already recovered from fever..tyme anta spagethi, ur face mmg merah sgt..pepun..kne jg diri elok2..mkn jgn lpe eh..da kurus ar anda tuh skang..mlm ni kite leh tdo ngn stitch..ske2..neway..thnx for d greatest day for the whole this week...;-p

p/s: gambo2 yg diupload xde kene mengena dgn post neh..harap maklum..sbbnyer kite syg ngn dak2 klas kite..lalalala~
Saturday, April 11, 2009
after has been through with 3 test,finally i can say sayonara to the busiest week in my life..lalala~
rite now, my focusing only for d final exam and my psm project..oopss..already forgotten about bsm project that need to be submitted next wednesday..ohh..wat a wonderful life..emm..so in d week, i need to avoid problematic in my life..hooh..why?? duno laa..jz i become more serabut lor afta been through with this sem..i already simpang jauh from my objc why i came here..soo..with 1 sem left, i need to do wat the best for me and future..hmm..my probs wit somene i guess doesn't have d end..eemm..so hard i try but it's getting difficult..it is come from me??yeah..after brainwash has been did to me, i realize i d only one who create d probs;-( cdeyh..tp i'm not ready yet to loose..ohh..it is soo hurt but i still can go through this..opss..last nite, i went to d meki lab wit daya, nana n leen to c d battle of the band..wahh..so suprise that d straw do the performance..haha..already record their cool act on the stage..with song that delivered by pares..capital E beb..drum by pisak and..kutang, arep and mamat also make the group looks better..really enjoyed their performance although pares show his nervous..haha..so cute loor...but i guess they really have a talent and can become better if take part in more contest..soo..jz show your talent beb..not forgotten from aypol's group..1st tyme seh tgk aypol men keyboard..kagum siott..
rite now, my focusing only for d final exam and my psm project..oopss..already forgotten about bsm project that need to be submitted next wednesday..ohh..wat a wonderful life..emm..so in d week, i need to avoid problematic in my life..hooh..why?? duno laa..jz i become more serabut lor afta been through with this sem..i already simpang jauh from my objc why i came here..soo..with 1 sem left, i need to do wat the best for me and future..hmm..my probs wit somene i guess doesn't have d end..eemm..so hard i try but it's getting difficult..it is come from me??yeah..after brainwash has been did to me, i realize i d only one who create d probs;-( cdeyh..tp i'm not ready yet to loose..ohh..it is soo hurt but i still can go through this..opss..last nite, i went to d meki lab wit daya, nana n leen to c d battle of the band..wahh..so suprise that d straw do the performance..haha..already record their cool act on the stage..with song that delivered by pares..capital E beb..drum by pisak and..kutang, arep and mamat also make the group looks better..really enjoyed their performance although pares show his nervous..haha..so cute loor...but i guess they really have a talent and can become better if take part in more contest..soo..jz show your talent beb..not forgotten from aypol's group..1st tyme seh tgk aypol men keyboard..kagum siott..
Monday, April 6, 2009
tired + worried..
while bz doing rc, i was interrupted by nana's statement that he caught a fever..
then, ati ni mmg ar xsdp..so last skali tgh2 bz wat project rc tuh..
i went to buy sumting for him..haha..ramai gler tyme tuh nk bli mknan..smpai kne wait 1 jam..
mak aih..mujur column lg ckit je nk siap kn..hee~
tetibe trpndg lak susu kegemaran beliau..so aku pun grab je laa ape yg ade sbb pk nnti leen mare aku tinggal keje...
nk jdkn citer..dkt kol 8 pun aku da bli sme..aku pun meneruskn perjuangan utk rc da setle xsmpai setgh jam dr masa kejadian..terasa bhgia di situ...lalalal~
last pas da anta sme keje..aku pun bergegas mndi la..bau da cm kambing daa~
tp pas jmpe beliau..tnang ckit ati..at least die ok je.. ;-)
arini plak de statement br...xamek test..huh..lg ar..
smpai ke mlm br dptrespon dr die yg actually bnd tuh xbtol..
watever the statement, i'm glad he is alraight..(maklumla byk keje+test skang)..jd pe2 kn susah..walopun sumtimes he quite 'garang' but i think it's fine...hehe..
pepun take care and good luck for the all test..;-p
then, ati ni mmg ar xsdp..so last skali tgh2 bz wat project rc tuh..
i went to buy sumting for him..haha..ramai gler tyme tuh nk bli mknan..smpai kne wait 1 jam..
mak aih..mujur column lg ckit je nk siap kn..hee~
tetibe trpndg lak susu kegemaran beliau..so aku pun grab je laa ape yg ade sbb pk nnti leen mare aku tinggal keje...
nk jdkn citer..dkt kol 8 pun aku da bli sme..aku pun meneruskn perjuangan utk rc da setle xsmpai setgh jam dr masa kejadian..terasa bhgia di situ...lalalal~
last pas da anta sme keje..aku pun bergegas mndi la..bau da cm kambing daa~
tp pas jmpe beliau..tnang ckit ati..at least die ok je.. ;-)
arini plak de statement br...xamek test..huh..lg ar..
smpai ke mlm br dptrespon dr die yg actually bnd tuh xbtol..
watever the statement, i'm glad he is alraight..(maklumla byk keje+test skang)..jd pe2 kn susah..walopun sumtimes he quite 'garang' but i think it's fine...hehe..
pepun take care and good luck for the all test..;-p
Friday, April 3, 2009
USEless & hopeLESs
sumtimes not all things can be share with the close friends..
it also getting harder and become more worst if juz keep it inside..
with the useless thing that i ever did for d past sem..
dunno wat should i do..
changing the psm title more than 4 times even after psm presentation..it is sucks??
with my unfortunate life in the whole things..
still thinking..is this sumting that God want me to learn from this life??
asking question whether still care about me or not..
is it still has some space for me??
jz make me waiting with this silent..
oh..wat a unfortunate life..
failed in getting any..
getting sucker and sucker..that all i can say..
it also getting harder and become more worst if juz keep it inside..
with the useless thing that i ever did for d past sem..
dunno wat should i do..
changing the psm title more than 4 times even after psm presentation..it is sucks??
with my unfortunate life in the whole things..
still thinking..is this sumting that God want me to learn from this life??
asking question whether still care about me or not..
is it still has some space for me??
jz make me waiting with this silent..
oh..wat a unfortunate life..
failed in getting any..
getting sucker and sucker..that all i can say..
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