today d happiest day in my life..u know why??haha because i got stitch back..after a couples month i guess..lalala..when i saw him hold a blue bag, i started smile and want to jump at that tyme but kne cover2 ckit sbb de org len gak i try to act cool and took it from him..but after i turned, haha..i started smile alot without ignore the people at kafe..i guess they think i'm crazy..haha..but dun mind lor..sbb skype yg giler so can't la call nana dis nite..u now what..everyday i study with nana's web cam..then, i put the stitch at leen's room and went to kafe again to buy lapar tonite..after i came back..wah2..daya and leen have started 1st move..diaorg sorokkn stitch kite..cdeyh!!! da merayu pun kt diorg pun wat bodo je nk gigit2 je..hrmm..dkat kol 2 pg br diaorg cruel u are..!! tyme u turn ok..patrick's tyme..lalalala~ opss..last nite kuar mkn ngn kutang,pares,pisak and dak tuh (amir).. mmg melantak xhengat dunia..tyme mkn tuh kn aku xsentuh sgt sotong ngn lala..sbnarnye diaorg xtau aku da mkn daa mee goreng ngn leen ptg least da tunaikn jnji kt abg tang..cian die xdpt mkn sotong..soo..smlm mmg mkn puas2 laaa..pastu pares bnje ice cream lak kt tc..mmg sdap seyh (sbb org yg bnje) hehe..maceh pares..mmg poye2 kite ske..thank god he already recovered from fever..tyme anta spagethi, ur face mmg merah sgt..pepun..kne jg diri elok2..mkn jgn lpe eh..da kurus ar anda tuh skang..mlm ni kite leh tdo ngn stitch..ske2..neway..thnx for d greatest day for the whole this week...;-p

p/s: gambo2 yg diupload xde kene mengena dgn post neh..harap maklum..sbbnyer kite syg ngn dak2 klas kite..lalalala~
i think u r damn crazy..
erm.. not damn... i mean dem!..
its all about stich..
huh.. rc2 lagi besh..
huh..jeles la tuh..
don't used dem word ok..
empangan..rembember empangan..lala~
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