paper adv concrete da tamat ptg td..oficially da abeh pon exam ni n tamat suda sem ni..aku hnye wait menjelang pg khamis ni b4 berangkat pulang ke kedah yg dok ngn akak aku cbuk nk btunang ngn adik aku yg bz nk g daftar kt usm..abah siap pesan soh blk lmbt2..adoy..kijam nye abah..musti xrindoo org kn..arini ngantok dan trus ngantok..mood pon xbyk sgt dr pg td lg..xjd lepak rumah nani..nani nk g lgkawi..aku lom decide nk g lgkw ble..nk jmpe membe aku yg da kawen..cian die aku xg kenduri die aritu..huhu..sory bgt..t aku tebus blk ar..aku bkn cuti ni eh..aku tade mase..reunion dak2 MRSM langkawi pon bkal dibuat..konform2 ar kt aloq staq..adoy..ati aku xtenteram lngsung..mmg dow..aku rs cm de yg eh??aduh..lpe lak..ble eh nk amek sijil..??huhu..musti da berkulat pong..sjak akhir2 ni tringat tol ngn dak2 skool aku..xphm nape..rinduu sgt..aku add facebook cikgu2 aku yg pnah ngajo aku..skool aku da len..huhu..skool aku xde ar hebat sgt..die cm tepi jln..JLN AYER HANGAT..dkat je kalo nk kuar outing..xsmpai 5 minit smpai ar kt BSN..hah..situ je tmpat wajib kitaorg dlu..pstu..aku ngn membe2 gerak ar g lgkwi fair..kt ctu de kyros kebab..enak gler..pastu lepak kt food court..haha..ramai2..kdg2 g gak kt TEOW SOON HUAT..hah..mall tuh pon besh gak..br2 ni aku g da len pon..da cantek..dlu kalo nk reunion je..konform2 wat kt dataran helang..pastu kdg2 g smpai pantai pasir tengkorak..KRM aka kadet remaja maktab..kne kawad smpai situ oo..pastu g GUNUNG buku..siap berkhemah lg..bagos2..kdg2 buhsan g jln2 smpai ke jety..xde keje beb..kalo nk bli coklat plak..haha..IDAMAN MAHSURI kot kalo xsilap..seyes murah2..makam mahsuri aku g skali je tp buhsan nk mampus..haha..UNDERWATERWORLD kt pantai Chenang pon aku g..jaooh perjalanan luas permndangan..huhu..adoy2..ble la nk jejak kt skool tuh blk..rindoo sgt ngn korg2 sme..da lame xjmpe..huhu..1st tyme aku dpt ctu pas upsr..tawaran..dlu xtao pe2..g pon dgn mke suci je..kt sne byk ar yg aku blajo..ingat lg homeroom aku "SAIDINA ABBAS"..teacher mawarti yg jd guru penasihat..besh..die slalu masak afta PMR..spe yg dpt result full A br leh continue study kt ctu..mayb naseb aku baek kot tyme tuh..aku pun further ar kt skool yg sme..haha..da2..segan je nk cite lbeh2..huhu..neway..MRSM LANGKAWI is d BESH..lalala~
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
dIfFiCuLt TyMe..
emm..last nite, my tempered became hand shaking..xpnah mare smpai tahap smenye da stle..i talk to her we juz word outs everything that we want..hrmm..bcoz of my harsh word lastly i apologize to her..everything has been settled..i can classified this case as "misunderstanding"..ntah ar..kdg2 aku pon konpius ape je yg ramai org xpuas ati ngn aku eh..aku xkaco org tp nape org nk kaco mase die ckp tuh masok akal gak ar..sory buddy..u noe wat..homewrecker is d sensetip word for me and i can't accept it until now..mayb my frens can create as a jokes but not for me..byk bnd yg blom setle dan aku tatau nk wat cmne lg..sdeyh sgt life skang ni..sumtimes hurt inside no one yg aku always wanted wit me but it's complicated..sumtimes he jz ignored me but i can't say's weird rite when he always kind to all except me..duhh..guessing that i hurt him in silent..smpaikn die jd i never give up..u noe wat..i always wanted him by my side but i'm guessing is it he want?? is hurt when look at him..when he ignored me..yess..really..but aku xde hak nk judge die..suh die buat bnd yg same cm die buat kt org len..and i know..there are something that he hides from me..emm..chill out??cheer??u think it is yg ckp bleh laa tp org yg rs tatau cmne..after dis exam i jz want to make all this thing clear..kalo aku org yg memilih and looks from appearance..aku xkn wat cmni..i juz want to make he smile..yess..his hepiness is more important than me..and let's make thing clear..dis is my blog..soo kalo korg xnk bace xpyh bukak..kan2..aku buat utk diri aku..soo stay away from it..
Thursday, June 18, 2009
u LiGhT mE Up..
huhu..2day kitaorg g site visit kt palm's factory kt lepar..soo..kt ctu da dpt knowledge about the producing of palm oil..duhh..then,after finishing site visit,aku ngn machonye brsame2 ngn leen menuju ke arah kafe..maklumler prot da keroncong tahap maksimum..xbleh kegeraman aku trhadap pisak ngn arep yg asyik nganjeng aku disebabkn berlakunye 1 peristiwa mmg membangkitkn kehangatan kpala aku nih..(sabo2) masuk kafe je..kejut gler..2 org cousin aku tgh makan..bunguks toll xgtau aku nk melawat aku..huhu..soo..aku pon lepak2 ngn diaorg sblom meneruskn perjlnan ke kuantan..then, aku smpat ar mamam mcd..sbbkn kelaparan yg xmampu dibendung..opss..sory arep..utk ko xde..haha..mlm ni aku da kasi kt beliau..ehem2..walopun die ckp baju cm labuh tp die ske..i'm happy too..hehe..besides, ferero and cadbury pong ade tuk die..die kn ske coklat..;-p tp die pulang blk baju baby milo neh..soo..aku pon pakai ar..hehe..hepy siot..da lame xrase cmne..hope that u like it..lgpon tyme jmpe td he wore d 1st tshirt i gave 2 him..(happy byk daa)..hehe..aku ske light up his happiness..and i will..huhu..

~ehem2..beliau nyer nih..hehe~

~tshirt baby milo da jd kepunyaan aku..hehe..~
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
kEmOoDyAn aRiNi..

ni hah skool kesygn aku..duhhh..
arini moody sgt..hrmm..aritu tyme g key best buddy aka KE ataupun name fs die LALALA from maresmawi dtg kuantan..(promote ko dow) da setting ar nk jmpe die sbb da dkt 3 taon aku xjmpe..last2 aku plak ikot leen blk key el..kemarahan die trhdp aku mmg xleh dibendung lg smpaikn ignore sme msg aku..huhu (sadis) aku da jnji akan g jengok die next sem kt shah alam..cet..soo aku tpksa ar tunaikn jnji aku kt die..huhu..die mmg rapat ngn aku stat form 5..soo smpai skng frenship kitaorg maseh kuat..sory ar,gambo aku ngn die..awl2 die da dlm simpanan aku tade lngsung..bunguks nye KE..tetibe je rindoo ngn sme dak2 maresmawi..huhu..5 taon aku kt pulau tuh..mmg da cemuih aku syg dok skolah tuh..huhu..
arini plak dr tghari smpai ke ptg aku carik coklat tghari kua ngn amnani g lunch sesame kt jaya gading tp xgak jumpe..agak frust mlm neh tetibe je tyme kuar mkn ngn dauz,daya ngn leen trnmpak plak..macho gile mate aku nmpak coklat sebeso ni..pepon ni yg aku nk kasi kt beliau sbb die ske sgt coklat arini da rs cm xsdap ati..hrmm...npe eh??
Monday, June 15, 2009
ThE cLiMb
i'm not a huge fan of miley cyrus and not into her song soo much.. but dis song is different..really meaningful..i jz started 2 listen then i found that the lyrics is really kind of my story line..sorta of..and it inspired me 2..huhuh..neway..afta hearing it a couples of time..its just keeps playing in my head..duhh..if ur not believe it jz try...emmm
I can almost see it,
That dream I'm dreamin'
But theres a voice inside my head sayin'
You'll never reach it
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep tryin'
Gotta keep my head held high
Theres always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a up-hill battle
Sometimes i'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about whats waiting on the other side
Its the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But, No, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember Most, yeah
Just gotta keep goin'
And, I, I got to be Strong
Just Keep pushing, on
'Cause theres always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a up-hill battle
Sometimes i'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about whats waiting on the other side
Its The Climb
Theres always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a up-hill battle
somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about whats waiting on the other side
Its the climb
Keep on movin'
Keep climbin'
Keep the faith baby
Its all about
Its all about
The climb
Keep the faith, keep the faith woah
Sunday, June 14, 2009
hAvE u EvA fEeL...
huhu..da 3 ari aku tdo kt room aku..hrmm..da back to stitch kesygan aku still kt room sne..nnti2 ar aku amek..did u ever feel love sum1 smpai try to make everthing soo perfect..yess..i feel it..huuu~ape bnd yg kite wat musti akan ingat die walopun tatau die tuh cmne..yep..i'll try to recall every moment that happen between us..yep..i did soo many wrong and i'll try to fix many things happen to us but here we are..always be the same as usual..u noe sumtimes feelin want 2 give everything..but i could'nt do dat..hrmm..everytime i'll try, it become more, i'll take my think wat d best for us..d result??can't think right now..jz wondering my life without's like misery..but i need to think all d possibilities..huh..cmne eh??tatau nk ckp pe..da lame xrs cmne afta 1st crush tyme skool men the feeling repeated again..and i afraid 2 b d same ending..yep..i really meant and hopin..that everything will be fine..da xleh cite ngn ape yg aku rs..sbb die pon ngadu ngn org yg sme..ntah ar..mujur de sorg lg yg memahami tp org tuh lak xde kt cni..pepon slalu share probs ngn die..sme bnd die tao detail..die slalu bantu aku..thanx buddy..u r d greatest person i ever know..lookin 2 d tshirt..i wondering if he likes it or not..if he ever appreciate all things that i give to him??..after knowing about the bday..i realize..i'm d type of person who always believe the rumors..supposed to trust him rite??..sory i could'nt be perfect for u..i'll said 2 u..if anything happen between us..there is no more guy in my life..ur hypo..MR P..and d latest named AMIL..i didn't tell u..d name was given by leen lil sis..heh..kalo la die tao aku de blog ni..huhu..tatau nk ckp smpai skang biar je laa..aku xde kemahuan die tau..pepon..i already prepare for u..d new 1 for u..hope that u like it..(nod)
mEmOrY lAnE wIt mUrNi~
arini terasa nk update last memory wit murni..murni da pon tamat diploma die..sdeyh ar..walopun aku stat rumate ngn die tyme 2nd year tp besh sgt..sme bnd yg kitaorg wat sesame..mase aku heartbreaker tyme 1st year..die ar byk tlg doww..pepon smga murni akan berjaya dlm idoop..jgn smbung degree kt ump sudaa..kalo x..buhsan aku nk tgk t..hahah~
Saturday, June 13, 2009
last nite, big momma already told me bout dat my sis will engaged in 3/7..duh..da kne pk baju ape lak nk carik..adoyai..tmbah dgn kenduri pas rye ni..smenye 3 psg baju kebaya kne carik..blk ni konform2 bz..dgn adik aku yg da nk daftar kt USM..siap mintak mp3 sony..mnyesal aku least kak aku jnji laptop kt die..haha..pdn mke..dis year je mayb de 2 kenduri kt umah aku..huhu..da makin ilang la org dlm umah tuh nanti..huhu..cian mak ngn abah...sme anak2 die da duduk jaooohh..aku blk kdh 24hb ni..ngn rumate aku..pas2 t lepak sg petani dlu bfore blk ke "GUAR CHEMPEDAK" yg terchenta..yipee..pastu slain reunion yg bakal berlaku ngn dak2 MARESMAWI..aku pon nk gak jmpe ngn dak2 skool rendah..t diaorg ckp aku sumbunk plak..hrmm..skang ni kak aku da bz carik rumah..mklumler da nk kawen..poy2 je..hehe..nnti kalo nk kua mlm pon musti xde hal beb..kalo smpat aku nk abehkn lg 8 jam lesen P aku yg tertngguh ni..adeh..pastu jgn tny aku leh drift lg hebat dr amnani..haha..pepon..aku rindu rumah aku..opss..da jd rumah baru..aku lom rasmi lg rumah baru tuh..cdeyh btol..aku xsbr nk tgk bilik aku..kalo diaorg hias xlawa..siap ar...huh..ingatkn nk bwk blk STITCH tp riso kene culik ngn eman ngn ena..da r sme bear aku kne kbas..mujur dak kecik yg wat aim aku nk carik kebaya itam..actually, 1st tyme seyh aku nk pakai sbb i ever been wore this type of baju for entire life..huhu..dlu rs cm pompuan sgt kalo pakai kebaya sbb tuh i prefer baju kurung..more comfort and simple..duhh..but my big momma said.."xyah nk carik baju cm lelaki..aku nk muntah tgk hg asyik pakai tshirt je.."..sdeyh dow..stat skang aku da mle carik baju2 ladies sket..sbb umo pon da mningkat..adoi..susah r dpt mak yg cerewet ni..haha..pas niena kawen sure2 turn aku da ckp..aku xmo pk hal tuh smpai umo 27taon..huh..buhsan je nk kawen mak aku ckp prangai aku cm budak2 lagi..kalo nk bertunang pon die xkasik smpai die yakin..haha..btol eh???xmatang lg rpenye aku..ske ar dgr mak aku berleter..haha..kalo abah xbyk ckp bile perlu kalo kuar shoping ngn die..aku sentuh je barang tuh,konform2 die beli..baikkan die??huhu..pepon..can't wait 2 c u sooonn..miz all of u soo damn much..!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009

thank god my father already recovered from his fever and already going back big momma doesn't allowed me to going back..huh..i'm afraid my father get chikungunya but i'm totally wrong..huhuh...adoi..really stress wit the adv concrete class..everyday think i'm going 2 hell..warghh..really hate dis shortsem..huhu..last nite, japan meeting already been held..huh..need 2 act again?? dis tyme???..hoh..need 2 create a new script..sooo difficult..but nevermine..jz a story that i need 2 share..already makes a mistake..huhu..when going to key el..i jz bought a couples tshirt and d special one of coz for him lorr..huhu..but i'm wrong in predicting his size..hoh..sooo sad..but he said he will keep it..duno lor..jz it's not makes any sense..hoh..wat i'm doing??then, i asked him 2 give back but he refused..because i want 2 find the new 1 for him so i didn't tell him the truth..soo..afta he comes back, i will suprise him with the new tshirt and the right size..hoho..guess he little mad of me..huhu..really feel can i made this silly mistakes??..hrmm..sory..but i will find the perfect one for u..(cdeyh)..then, i find a little cute teddy bear and erin aka leen's lil sis give this teddy a name..guess wat??he named this teddy as AMIL..haha..soo can this little girl know that i want to give to the person that have similiar name..??not forgetting liverpool keychain (already bought at uptown) and ferero..duhh..
but the moment i spent my tyme wit leen's family i will never forget..really enjoy it..haha..they are sooo funny and kind..thanx for everything..WETWORLD besh!!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
ReDbOx.TiMeS sQuArE.uPtOwN dAmAnSaRa.WeTwOrLd..
haha..last weeken, i'm going to key bese..poye2 ar..but i stay wit lin at damansara damai..hoho..1st day..kitaorg g karok kt sogo..haha..pecah sore lin aka adik yuna mmg hebat kalo nyanyi..perghh..konform sme org kagum seyh..haha..aku nyanyi smpai sore da kering daa..pas2 kami decide g times square..nk men roller coster kalo tujuan aslnye..when we arrived at there..wargghhh..sales!!!!ape lg..aku ngn leen pon mle ar melakukan kesilapan..tersasar dr objective sebenar..haha..kitaorg mmg borong sakan ar..smpai kaki sakit nk beshh sgt kuar ngn dak kecik tuh..haha..sbb die asyik kne nganjing je ngn aku..hehe..pastu aku mmg bercuti ngn leen skeluarga..eh2..leen,da cm ade chance je nk jd sbhgian kluarga ko..!!!haha..g uptown damansara..pergghh..tergoda lg aku tyme tuh tp mujur aku bli keychain je..last journey kitaorg g WETWORLD ar..3x beb men water coster..slain aku ngn leen asyik skodeng mamat kacak ni..adeh..kami hanya mampu memandang dr jaoooh je..hehe..mmg besh sgt..xlpe gak g NAGOYA utk carik baju raye..aku pun smpat gak bli sumting kat situ..ble nk blk ump je berat je ati..mne taknye..asyik poye2 tiap ari..blk cni da kne blajo plak..adeh..huh..pas ni..aim nk bli adiah utk abah plak..hari bapa laa katakn..huhu..pepon..maceh leen for d greates weeken..hoho..nnti kite poye2 kt kdah plak eh!!!rrraaaawwww...oh2..xlpe kt erin yg ngajo aku tarian shuffle..hahaha..

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
iF i CoUlD sAy To U...
adoi..pas bpe ari poye2 kt key el..akhirnye smlm aku da kembali ke pangkuan riba UMP..(headbang)..huh..arini xde perasaan nk wat pe2..riso ngn ayah nk blk sgt tp mak aku xkaSI..hmm..;-( terasa sgt merindui beliau..adeh..aku xsbr blk ke kg halaman..nk celebrate hari bapa ngn abah..sory sbb da buat byk dosa..kalo abah tau musti abah sdeyh anak die ni jht..hmm..da xmcm dlu..dlu abah slalu pesan jgn buat perkara xelok..sbb tuh abah xkasi mintak blaja jaoh2..masa dpt KUKTEM,abah mare sgt..siap xanta mase g tkt nk ckp kt org tau dr kecik lg org xpnah xdgr ckp ble da kt da brubah byk da jd anak xbek..kalo la abah tau...abah musti org da makin truk..da byk ponteng pon org jarang..abah xpnah xkasi bnd yg org mintak..stiap bnd je die musti kasi..smpai kak ckp abah syg org lbeyh dr syg adik..huuu~org da byk susahkn abah..SORY sgt..kalo la org bleh bls ape yg abah wat dr kecik smpai skang..skang adik lebih hebat dr org..tyme STPM die skor sgt smpai jd 3rd best student in school..siap dpt tawaran dr USM lg..musti abah bngga sgt kn??..dlu org slalu wat abah bngga..dr UPSR smpai la ke SPM tp ble da masuk matrix org slalu wat abah ingat mase result org truk..abah nk pujuk org..abah siap blikn handphone ske sgt tyme tuh..kalo la abah tau mcm mane serabutnye org skang..dr luaran org nmpak ok tp hakikatnye org tatau nk ckp cmne..sbb pe org jd cmni..ble blk umah abah tny nape org da xbyk ckp..diam je..dan makin tatau nk bg jwpn ape nk extent blaja tp abah da xleh cope dgn environment kt cni..if i could say it 2 u how much misery i am..hmm..abah..GET WELL SOON..i really love u!!!!
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