huhu..2day kitaorg g site visit kt palm's factory kt lepar..soo..kt ctu da dpt knowledge about the producing of palm oil..duhh..then,after finishing site visit,aku ngn machonye brsame2 ngn leen menuju ke arah kafe..maklumler prot da keroncong tahap maksimum..xbleh kegeraman aku trhadap pisak ngn arep yg asyik nganjeng aku disebabkn berlakunye 1 peristiwa mmg membangkitkn kehangatan kpala aku nih..(sabo2) masuk kafe je..kejut gler..2 org cousin aku tgh makan..bunguks toll xgtau aku nk melawat aku..huhu..soo..aku pon lepak2 ngn diaorg sblom meneruskn perjlnan ke kuantan..then, aku smpat ar mamam mcd..sbbkn kelaparan yg xmampu dibendung..opss..sory arep..utk ko xde..haha..mlm ni aku da kasi kt beliau..ehem2..walopun die ckp baju cm labuh tp die ske..i'm happy too..hehe..besides, ferero and cadbury pong ade tuk die..die kn ske coklat..;-p tp die pulang blk baju baby milo neh..soo..aku pon pakai ar..hehe..hepy siot..da lame xrase cmne..hope that u like it..lgpon tyme jmpe td he wore d 1st tshirt i gave 2 him..(happy byk daa)..hehe..aku ske light up his happiness..and i will..huhu..

~ehem2..beliau nyer nih..hehe~

~tshirt baby milo da jd kepunyaan aku..hehe..~
wah 2 la eh bju yg ko nk bg die
tp xmuat
nsb baik yg bru 2 muat eh
haha..musti ar beb..pnat seyh aku carik..huhu
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