Firstly,congrats to myself yg da hmpir menamatkn li kt consultant yg sgt
mencabar..damn..design umah sgt susa..even though ari2 kne mare..tp a lot experience yg aku dpt...from site until opis..yeahh..it was precious experience that i got and can't compare to other places..u know what..feel like i from zero until got sumting..tp tuh laa..awl2 touching gle..tp learning process sgt dasyat..so now already imune with all herdikan or wateva..i got new eng..which is fresh graduate laa..similar to me..die pon still br nk blaja kan..so kami same2 asyik kne mare..haha..abg aku plak bz suh decide mau keje mane..tp aku da gtau..aku xnk keje until da grad..so bg aku wat bnd yg aku ske dlu..pastu dieorg leh choose my path..susa laa..mak aku suh smbung lg..abg aku suh decide mau keje yg cmne..abeh..diaorg xpnah tny aku nk keje ape pon..huh..susa kan idop aku..skang my life are surrounding by my frens..haha..i'm glad in wateva situation..they always behind me..azlin was d part in my life..knowing her was d best thing could ever happen to me..for me she's d only one i always share everything..from A to Z..die tau la stiap hal aku..daya pon..walopun die bz ala2 pengarah jkr..tp die sntiasa amek berat kt aku..thanx and sorry aku da byk wat korang riso..tp skang i really become tough gurl..wocai plak everything probs yg menimpa aku, die byk beri nasihat and to solve it..nana plak suke wat honaq..die jenis yg xkn amek pusing hal org..tp aku snang membe ngn die..die ni mmg gle..haha..ami my 1st bf kt ump..die mmg baek and always wit me..walopun kami pnah face wit some probs..thanx god until now..we still together..cik to..die ni ske wat drift kt jln raya..mmg macho laa..die pon byk mmbantu aku..xkire ape jenis keadaan..pepon..korg mmg terbaek..aku syg korg...~
haha.. aku tacing pulak bace bloh hang kali ini..
cite2 pasal friendship ni mmg tacing
kejap je mase berlalu..
suke ek pa..ckp aku wta onaq.. tapi mmg aku admit aku mmg bergitu
bile mak aku pun kate aku begitu
aku bukan tak amik pusing hal orang..
porb aku pun byk..
jco dulu!!!!
haha..aku da hagak daa..
mak hg pon mempunyai pemikiran yg same ngn aku..haha..
jco??ok2..tp nana bnje..tp aku tringin nk mkn steamboat kt jhonny..aiyok~
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