past a couples of day..wocai aka zaidah spent tyme wit me..xde ar bwk die bjln manyak pon..actually enough tok show bpe trully keadaan kt kdh ni..haha..hepy sbb lame gle xjmpe wit my a little bit excited and nervous..yelaa..sme tau cai ni kan agak ditakuti..hehe..smpat berkarok 14 songs wit her..pretty damn good..woohoo..mcm mlepaskn segala beban yg dipikul..haha..aku bwk pusing2 gurun..and kami jgak g tg dawai..actually tmpat mkn seafood yg besh..soo kt cni smpat la aku candid pictures tok share yg cai sememangnye lepak ngn arini sdeyh..sbb die da nk ar..aku pon accompany her smpai ke alor star..soo kami jln2 kt pekan rabu jap..sbb cai nk bli serunding..tetibe tringat tyme pose kt ump..serunding tuh mknan wajib ble sahoo..dem..kalo bkak pose plak kueh castard wajib ade..duuhh..missin so b4 cai blk..aku hajak ronda2 city plaza aka antara mall yg wajib dikunjungi kalo g as..tetibe nmpak sales 70%..damn..aku ngn cai mcm naek hantu..haha..dpt gak sehelai yg menarik ati..arini with proud..aku dilantik sbg perunding imej oleh cai..terase trharu di situ..huhu..mak aku pon arini masakn capati and kuih keriya..tok dimamam..haisyhh..penuh je prot aku..smpat plak aku mkn set br kt mcD..waaahhh..ari yg btoll ade sumting yg mengaco fikiran aku..should i accept him or not??hisyhh..cptlaa mase berlalu...=[

menghayati panorama indah..lalala

mkn tyme..yeehhhaaa~

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