woot..dis song actually da lame tp aku sgt2 ske..ari2 aku akan dgr lagu ni..of coz laa sbb da jd ringtone aku kot..haha..tp cbe hayati lyrics ni..sgt2 meaningful.. aku surf tenet and found sort of opinion about meaning of this song..basically, mmg btol..terutama pompuan yg kne betrayed ni..heh..so aku pon xterkecuali dr pernah menghadapi situasi ni..
bagi aku lak this song is about a woman obviously thinking of her love and relationship with a man who actually already in love but the man played with her heart and took advantage from her..duhh..yg gurl ni pon thought they had a chance at a deeper love.. last skali yg aku hagak la kan..walopun yg pompuan ni still syg kt boy tuh tp die da xnk daa..tuh yg terbaek!!!haha..so kt bwh ni aku letak lagi opinion psl lagu ni..
"I feel this song is about her being so head over heals in love with this guy... But now her heart is in a different stage that mean she isn't so much as heartbroken as she is betrayed and by her feeling this way is bringing the revenge to surface so that she doesn't have to feel played... It also said that she isn't blind to the man she thought he was but very aware of the pieces of shit he really is... She is telling him to say what he wants.... She also saying that she is not just set back and feel mighty because this man fucked she over... The best part when she trying to say that she isn't running around and telling all these stories but she know he was....and she wants that guy to think how he did her wrong as he had a good thing going but he fucked up everything...(-_-)"....
terrible je..but this is give courage for whom been used by a jerk..LoL..bkn sme tp ade la yg sikit..btw, really enjoy full album Adele..no wonder her song gain spot to number 1 on chart around the world..bravo!!!!!..with her intelligence hoping she can produce more meaningful and artistic lyrics..luv u..--;@
ni blog omputeh upenye..ingt kwn ak..slh2..sory ea cik..
tp gle ahh..terbaekk cik..ni da xpyh master pHD trosss..yawww..
tahi ar daya...haha..welcome back bebeh..long time not see..
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