smlm aku g sp..maklumler tlg akak aku yg nk masok umah br..tlg pnye tlg smpai terlelap..aku sdar2 da kol 3 lebeh2..huhu..ble tgk hp..ade mizcall..tp aku xcm..number blakang cm number beliau..tp aku ignore je..sbb mayb kwn2 aku kt utm..slalu je diaorg call tnpa aku tau number sape..he kept calling me..(btw hp aku xbtol sket..speaker probs)..okeyh..dis week aku g cari hp br..aku reject his call..aku pOn text tny sape n beliau reply..pas2 wat aku bengang..last2 aku dpt detect..cara type text tuh mmg aku xleh lpe..cm kenal je..last aku tny beliau tuh..dan btol tekaan aku..
after 2 years he text me..wit alot of story and Q dat he asked..i'm okeyh..can accept and answer it as a matured persOn..i've grOwn up already..feel proud of myself..n now he's in johor also..hahaha..wat a small world..aku??aku da ok byk sgt..smpai die text aku..aku cm terkejut sbb die ilang cm2 je dlu..tup2 contact wit me again!!!..tp xpe..xslh kalo stat kwn blk..aku pon xkesah kalo nk bertny khabar..yeah..aku sgt2 matang skang..(sbb da tua kot)..dan aku xnk kenang citer lalu..nk stat buku baru..sOoo, tgk je ar myself rite now..ble die ckp kt johor die tenang sgt..(aku mengiyakn dlm ati)..mmg sgt tenang mase die wat taik kt aku dlu..aku larikn diri smpai ke johor..hahaha..tuh mase muda remaja..ape pOn insyaallah..kalo de perfect time..jmpe la kite eh..btw..thnx sbb carik aku semula..should be a new start..:)
sape ni.. amir ke?
*that was simply call, kalau jodoh tak kemane*
haha..aah..die ler..keje johor skang..perlu ke ayat tuh kalo jodoh xkemane??puii..xde ar..saje tny khabar je..
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