Monday, April 12, 2010

pale pusing...= pening..

hrmm..arini keje sgt aku mls nk amek pusing..kdg2 pk blk life skang..aku pon xtau nk describe cmne..huhu..slalu kua mlm..blk pg..out of controll aku xpnah wat bnd2 yg jht..aku still ingat sme pahala ngn dosa..asl tau jaga diri..tuh yg aku pegang..ble pk blk..tyme kt ump..aku rs cm bodoh pon ade..ble kite bkorban sme bnd tuk die burukkn kite dkat kwn2 die..aku bodo sgt..hnya pk tok die..xnk die susah..akhirnye die bls tok aku..satu penghinaan yg hebat..mula2 aku skang marah da xde..aku da blaja tuk terima sme bnd..kdg2 kite silap judge kecewa tetap ade..aku tau aku pon xperfect..when i grow up..i realize everything..skang..aku hny nk bkwn je..hang out as a nape diaorg xphm..nk lebeh2..ble ignore..lg susah..xpsl2 muncul dpn umah aku clcm aku pon da tuka..skang aku lebeh snang bckp everything dgn aypol..yup..tyme2 cmni..really need sum1 to share everything..not forgetting luvly fren at site..da bjaye influence die dgr paramore..die one of my fren yg aku slalu hang out..keje kitaorg karok aku kagum ngn die..pndai men instrument..but he promise to me b4 aku abeh li,die nk men 1 lagu tok aku..can't wait laa..skang tok tenangkn diri,aku jz stay at home..weeken pon blk kg..da mls nk lyn sme org..
i'm not ready tuk wat kind of relationship..i'll try for a month..last skali tgk pe jadik..aku buhsan n dgn kate laen..does'nt have a feeling toward him..dr tipoo die ngn diri sndiri..bek aku dok diam2..wat keje aku je kn..pas ape yg berlaku kt aku..ntah tp aku xsure..i'm not ready..rite now..aku cme nk fokus tok my work n study je..not forgettin my family n frens..yg len2..nnti je la eh..

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