Saturday, March 5, 2011


surfing tenet..suddenly found dis thing..ape lg..buhsan2 leh gak jwb.."ce cite..ce cite"..

A - Age : 24..(bakal masok laa on 15th March ni..hoOray)
B - Bed size : tah..queen size pe..yg pastinye aku tdo sorg2 accompanied by mr teddy n STITCH.. (nyeyak tdOo..)
C - Chore you hate : ble bgn pagi..xske n mlsnye..!!!!!
D - Dog's name ; doggie??xde..ade dua eko burung yg aku pnggil "hijau" dan "kuning"..xlpe kt mr blueblue (ikan laga)..heehehe...
E - Essential start your day item ; kemas katil..kalo x akak aku hingaq...hisyh~
F - Favorite color ; white,blue and pinky...(da sah2 pompuan kan...heh)
G - Gold or Silver ; silver semestinya...kalo adik aku langkah bendul..siap ar ko..=)
H - Height ; 169 cm..(5'6")...
I - Instruments you play(ed) ; xde mende poOn..karok je yg layan..hahah..~
J - Job title ; woOh..da quit keje pon..camne eh??hehe..can't wait 2 become student again..yeeha~
K - Kid(s) ; ikot la rezeki..haha..

L - Living arrangements ; nope..tade..
M - Mom and dad live near or far ; aiyoo..sah2 dpn mate..ari2 dgr leteran mak tuh..adoy~
N - Nicknames ; Farah,kak farah (mak aku nye panggilan), achik (anak buah aku),cikpa..(ni kwn2 aku yg sengal kasi)..
O - Overnight hospital stay (other than birth) ; tah..xpat plg ingat mase disyaki de appendiks..hoh..doc yg rawar aku tuh kacak siOot.. (xsia2 spend tyme 2 ari kt situ..hehe)
P - Pet Peeve ; la nk ckp..weee..~
Q - Quote from a movie ; "sbb tu la pentingnye english education.."..hehe..(lebeh 5x aku layan)
R - Right or left handed ; right.
S - Siblings ; 7...number 6 lol...
T - Time you wake up ; tah lahh..rase nk bgn..bgn je..hehe
U- Underwear ;bapak gle..xmo ar expose kt sini..haha
V - Vegetable you dislike ; peria and petola..yuksss~
W - Ways you run late ; tah...=)
X - X-rays you've had ; lame daa..1st tyme mase masok mrsm langkawi..yg last mase masok UMP..
Y - Yummy food you make ; pnah plak masak tok org??musti spesel org tuh kalo aku masak..haha..(xreti sbenarnye)
Z - Zoo favorite ; ingat aku leen pe nk tny soklan psl zoO..leen je tau sbb die pnah dating kt zOo..haha

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